LISTSERV Maestro 8.1-4 Help

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Target Group Definition: Based on Database Access By LISTSERV Maestro

This Target Group Definition wizard lets you define a target group of the Database access by LISTSERV Maestro type that can then be used in the Define Recipients wizard.

The wizard for a target group of the Database access by LISTSERV Maestro type has multiple pages:
General, Source, Parameters, Input Layout, Input Preview, Recipients Details, Duplicate Elimination, and Summary.

The top row of the wizard displays links to each of these pages. The page that is currently open is marked with a highlighted background color. Depending on the choices made on some of the wizard pages, other pages may become disabled or may be shown in different versions. If a wizard page is disabled, then it means that this page is not necessary with the current choices and can safely be ignored.

Recipients Details Page: Customize Email, Name and Other Merge Header Names

Each of the recipients columns is shown together with a choice that allows you to decide how LISTSERV Maestro shall handle this column:

In addition to this choice per column, you can edit the headers of all columns. This might be required if the column headers do not match the names that you want to use as the merge fields. For example, if your table happens to have "non-meaningful" headers like "COL1, ... COLn", then you can rename them here to give them more meaningful names, making it easier to use them for mail merging. Changing the header names in LISTSERV Maestro does not in any way affect the actual database table; it only renames the columns for the purposes of LISTSERV Maestro's mail merging.

Hidden Option: Ignore Recipient Data / Bulk Email

If you have enabled this hidden option in your preferences, then you have an additional choice at the top of the screen. Select one of these alternatives:

If you selected the Ignore additional recipient data and send job as bulk email option, then you need to supply the values for the "To:" field manually. With bulk sending, all recipients receive exactly the same mail content, (including all mail headers) so you cannot have different "To:" fields for different recipients, just like you cannot have mail merging. However, some sort of "To:" field is required. Following email standards, this field must contain an email address (usually of the recipient) and, optionally, a name. Since all recipients get the same "To:" field value, it cannot contain an actual recipient's address or name. Therefore, with bulk jobs, it has become common practice to use a generic email address for your own organization - usually the sender address or an "info" address, with a matching name. An example of this might be "" as the address and "Your MyCorp Team" as the name. Enter values that fulfill your requirements into the matching edit fields.

Note: Be sure to use an authentic email address in the "To:" field to avoid any bounces that might occur if recipients "Reply to all" in response to your message.

With this option selected, you cannot rename the column headers, and it is not necessary, since mail merging is disabled anyway.

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