LISTSERV Maestro 8.1-4 Help

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Define Recipients: Upload Recipients

To access the recipients wizard for a given job: From the job's workflow page, click on Define Recipients.
Or from the job list, select the desired job, then in the job details pane, select the Summary tab and click on the Edit link in the Recipients section.

To access the recipients wizard for a given A/B-split job: On the A/B-Split Job Details page, click the Edit link in the Recipients section.

The Define Recipients wizard allows the defining of recipients that will receive the email message specified in the job when the job is finally sent.

The wizard has five pages: Options, Source, Source Details, Recipients Details, Advanced Settings, and Summary.

The top row of the wizard displays links to these five pages. The page that is currently open is marked with a highlighted background color. Depending on the choices made on some of the wizard pages, other pages may become disabled or may be shown in different versions. If a wizard page is disabled, then it means that this page is not necessary with the current choices and can safely be ignored.

Recipients Details Page: Customize Email, Name and Other Merge Header Names

This screen defines additional details about the recipients in the uploaded file.

A preview table of sample recipients is displayed here. The table includes edit fields for the column headers. These fields are used to edit the headers. Headers may contain letters, numbers, and the underscore (but must start with a letter). Spaces and other characters are not allowed. An error message will be displayed if illegal characters appear in the headers.

If recipients data is specified that did not contain header information, then LISTSERV Maestro will add the generic default header names FIELD1, FIELD2, FIELD3, and so on. These names are not meaningful. Edit them to help identify the information in each column.

The header names choosen here become the names of the available mail merge text placeholders (a reason why it is a good idea to supply meaningful names for the headers). For example, if a header name is used (enclosed in "&" and ";") in the message body or subject, then this field will be replaced with the value from the column in the recipients data that corresponds to the header and the row that corresponds to the recipient. (For more information on mail merge text placeholders, please see the LISTSERV Maestro User's Guide.)

In addition to editing the header fields, (which is optional) you must tell LISTSERV Maestro which column contains what information.

Most importantly, LISTSERV Maestro needs to know which of the columns contains the recipients' email addresses. This information is mandatory. Supply it by selecting the column name from the Email Column field. The selected column must contain valid Internet email addresses. All rows that do not contain valid email addresses in the specified column will be removed before the wizard is finished.

To make the message more personal, you can tell LISTSERV Maestro which column contains the names of the recipients. Specifying a name column is optional, but when used together with the email address, the message will have the recipient's name in the "TO" field of the email. If you do not specify a name column, then the message will be sent with only the recipient's address in the "TO" field of the email.

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