LISTSERV Maestro 8.1-4 Help

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Subscriber Importers

Lists all subscriber importers that are defined for the selected subscriber dataset or list.

Each importer is shown with its name, type, source, description, and status. For an importer with the status Complete, the whole importer definition has been supplied in the importer wizard. If the status is Incomplete, then the importer wizard was closed with "Save & Exit" before the definition was complete.

The following actions can be performed on an existing importer, by clicking the matching link:

The Last Run field displays the status of the last importing process of the importer: It shows if the last run is still ongoing (and at which percentage of completion) or if it has already completed. It also shows when the last run was, and it provides the View History link by which you can view the run-history of the reporter.

Importer Launch with an External Trigger

As described above, you can launch an importer either manually from inside of LISTSERV Maestro with the Launch link, or you can launch it with an external trigger. This section describes how to use an external trigger to launch the importer.

For the external trigger, a special security token is required.

Important: Everyone who is in possession of this security token and who can also access LISTSERV Maestro on its HTTP port (for example with a normal web browser) will be able to trigger the launch of the importer. The security token should therefore be closely guarded and not be given out to unauthorized persons.
Because of this, the screen does not display the token directly (so no one can simply look over your shoulder and "steal" the token). To display the token, you first have to click on the Show Launch Security Token link (this security token is not required for a manual launch via the Launch link).

Creating a new Security Token: If you suspect that an unauthorized person has gained access to the security token, you can use the Create New Launch Security Token link to invalidate the previously used token and to create a new one.

If the importer was defined to read from a server file or from an external database, then the external launch trigger is of the Simple URL Access type and the response does not contain any download data. See below for more details about external triggers and what this means in detail.
Note: The following discussion of how to specify "additional data" is not applicable in this case!

If the importer was defined to expect an uploaded file with the import data, then the external launch trigger is of the URL Access with Additional Data type (also without any download data in the response), with the import data file as the "additional data". As described below, in such a case the external trigger must happen in form of a HTTP POST-request to the trigger URL, which contains the additional data. For this, the request must use the multipart/form-data encoding type and, to trigger an importer launch, must define the following three parts:

Part Name Part Value Additional Part Information
token The launch security token (see above) none
encoding The encoding that is to be used to interpret the uploaded text file none
data The uploaded text file "filename" attribute in the "Content-Disposition" header,
"content type" in the "Content-Type" header (normally "text/plain")

Since the multipart/form-data encoding type uses the MIME standard, these parts must be defined using the suitable headers for each part, and empty lines (CR LF) and multipart-boundaries to separate the parts.

The value for the "encoding" must be one of the encodings that is supported by Java (see here; both the "Basic Encoding Set" and the "Extended Encoding Set" from that page are supported, and you can specify a encoding by its name either from the "Canonical Name for java.nio API" or the "Canonical Name for and java.lang API" column).


The following example shows the HTTP POST-request data for an external launch trigger, if the importer expects "additional data" as described above:

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=AaBbCcXx --AaBbCcXx Content-Disposition: form-data; name="token" ... launch security token here ... --AaBbCcXx Content-Disposition: form-data; name="encoding" ... encoding to use for interpreting the text file here ... --AaBbCcXx Content-Disposition: form-data; name="data"; filename="members.txt" Content-Type: text/plain ... contents of members.txt import data file here ... --AaBbCcXx--

The following example shows the HTML code of a simple HTML page that displays a form like the following:

Security Token:

into which the user can enter the security token, file encoding and the file to upload. Then when the user clicks the "OK" button, the form will submit a HTTP POST-request with "additional data" like the one described above to the external trigger URL (if "TRIGGER_URL_HERE" is replaced accordingly):

<html> <form method="POST" action="TRIGGER_URL_HERE" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Security Token: <input type="text" name="token"><br> Encoding: <input type="text" name="encoding"><br> File: <input type="file" name="data"><br> <input type="submit" value="OK"> </form> </div> <div id="copyrightLine" style="margin: 0; position:fixed; bottom:0; width:100%;" class="small helpCopyrightLine"> &#169; 2002-2017 L-Soft Sweden AB. All rights reserved. </div> </body> </html>

Tip: LISTSERV Maestro already contains a convenience page that displays a form just like the one shown in the example above. This page can be accessed without the need of first logging in to LISTSERV Maestro. As long as you know the security token of an importer, and have a data file that is compatible with that importer, then you can use this page to upload the file and launch the importer without logging in. The URL for the page on this LISTSERV Maestro server is:


External Triggers

LISTSERV Maestro offers several actions that can be triggered remotely from an external source by simply accessing a special external trigger URL, via the HTTP protocol. This trigger URL can be accessed without the need to first login to LISTSERV Maestro.

With this, several scenarios are possible:

To secure the external trigger URLs against unauthorized access, a security token needs to be included in each URL. Each action that can be triggered externally has a unique security token. Therefore, the security token in the URL serves two purposes: It identifies the action that is to be triggered, and it validates that the user or process that makes this request is indeed authorized to do so.

The security token for the action in question can be obtained from inside of the LISTSERV Maestro user interface. The exact location where the token can be obtained depends on the action that it stands for. Please see the description of the action in question for this information.

Important: You should make sure that this security token is not given out to unauthorized persons because anyone who knows the security token of a certain action is able to trigger this action, as long as he also has HTTP access to the LISTSERV Maestro server. If you suspect that an unauthorized person has gained access to the token, then you can create a new token (and invalidate the existing token) by clicking the appropriate link at the location where you obtained the token.

A trigger URL always has the following form:


External triggers come in two variants:

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