LISTSERV Maestro 8.1-4 Help

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Subscriber List Definition

The Subscriber List wizard lets you define the settings of a subscriber list or edit an existing list.

Note: A subscriber list is only fully editable while it is "empty", meaning that there are no subscribers on the list. For a non-empty list, only certain settings are editable.

The wizard has eight pages:

General, Profile Fields, Profile Field Details, List Type, List Options, Posting Restrictions, Topics, and Summary

The top row of the wizard displays links to these pages. The page that is currently open is marked with a highlighted background color. Depending on the choices made on some of the wizard pages, other pages may become disabled or may be shown in different versions. If a wizard page is disabled, then it means that this page is not necessary with the current choices and can safely be ignored.

The LISTSERV Maestro admin may configure a user account or group so that it is only allowed to create standard announcement subscriber lists, but not advanced subscriber lists. If this is the case, then the wizard has only four pages and the "List Type", "List Options", "Posting Restrictions" and "Topics" pages are not shown.

Profile Field Details Page: Lookup Tables, Derivation Rules, Input Validation and Other Settings

This screen may have several different tabs, which are described below. Not all of these tabs are always present, and when only one tab would be present, the screen is shown without tabs.

Field Descriptions

For each profile field, you can define an optional field description. This field description (if supplied) is included on all subscriber area pages where the field is displayed, so you can use the description for additional information about a field that is seen by subscribers. For example, to help a subscriber fill out an agreement and inform them on how their answer will affect them, you could specify what will happen if the user gives a specific answer to an agreement, etc.

The tab displays each available profile field with the currently defined description (if any). To edit the description, click on the associated Edit link.

This opens the Field Description dialog. Edit the description in this dialog and click [OK] to submit your changes or [Cancel] to close the dialog without saving.

Selection Field Details

This tab only appears if there are profile fields of the Single Select or Multiple Select type in the dataset or subscriber list. In this case, for each of these fields the lookup table must be specified that will be used to define the values that the subscriber may select from.

The tab displays the name of each such profile field together with a drop-down menu that contains all lookup tables that can be used together with the profile field. Select a lookup table from the drop-down menu to associate it with the corresponding profile field. The description of the selected lookup table appears beneath the drop-down menu so that the selected lookup table can be verified as the desired one.

This step needs to be performed for each profile field that has one of the two types listed above.

It is possible to assign the same lookup table to several different profile fields (if that is desired).

Note: Only lookup tables that are using the encoding "ASCII" or that are using the same encoding as was specified for the da