LISTSERV Maestro 8.1-4 Help

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List Subscribers

To access the subscribers page of a list, open the node of the parent dataset of the desired list in the Subscriber Datasets subtree, to show its subnodes. Then select the All List Subscribers node from the subnodes of the list.

The left pane displays the LISTSERV Maestro explorer tree, with the "Subscriber Datasets" subtree. This subtree contains all subscriber datasets and lists. In this tree, each dataset has its own little subtree, with the main dataset node as the root, and two or three child nodes. The Lists node is such a child node.

This Lists node is in turn the root node of a small subtree that contains all list folders and lists of the dataset.

While the List Subscribers node of a list is selected in this subtree, the pane on the right shows a table with all confirmed subscribers on the list and allows browsing through the subscriber list. Unconfirmed subscribers are not shown.

By default, the list of recipients is sorted alphabetically by their email address. Recipients with an email address that is alphabetically "lower" are listed first. To change the ordering, see Ordering the Subscriber List Result Display below.

Each recipient's entire current profile is displayed. Each column in the table stands for one profile field and each row in the table stands for one recipient. The table header contains the profile field names and each cell is filled out with the value for the corresponding profile field, as defined for the recipient in the given row. For "Boolean" type fields, either the value "T" (for "true") or the value "F" (for "false") is displayed. For "Multiple Select" type fields, all selected values are displayed in a comma-separated list. For Advanced Subscriber Lists with topics, one additional field is displayed that shows all selected topics in a comma-separated list.

Selecting Recipients for "Edit", "Modify", "Delete" or "Download"

To begin working with the recipients, start by selecting one or more rows in the list (in the usual fashion). Depending on your selection (and the filter, if defined), the "Edit" menu contains items for editing, modifying, deleting or downloading either the recipients you have selected with your mouse or those that are matched by the filter (or all recipients, if no filter is defined). As a quick alternative to the "Edit" menu, the context menu contains the items that are applicable to your selection only.

Editing Recipients: (Only applicable if one row is selected from the list.) Opens a separate page that allows you to change all profile field values for one recipient.

Deleting Recipients: Upon confirmation, this deletes recipients from the underlying list.

Modifying Recipients: Modifies a field value for many recipients in one step.

Downloading Recipients: Downloads recipients in a zipped CSV-format text file.

Ordering the Subscriber List Result Display

To change the ordering of the subscriber list result display, click any of the column headers. This changes the current ordering of the result by either switching between ascending (the default, meaning that lower values are shown first) and descending ordering (which means that higher values are shown first). In the case of a number field, the terms "lower" and "higher" have the obvious numerical meaning. For a text field, an ascending ordering means that texts which come first the lexicographic ordering supplied by the database are shown first, and "descending ordering" means the opposite. For a single-select field, the ordering sequence is defined by the sequence of the values in the corresponding lookup table. For the subscribe-time field, the ordering is defined by the actual temporal sequence, i.e. "lower" means "earlier" and "higher" means "later".

The current ordering of the list result display is quoted on the bottom of the pane.

Filtering the Subscriber List

To define a filtering condition for a field of the subscriber list, click the fields just below the column headers. A popup dialog is shown with the current filtering conditions for the profile field. Initially, the list of conditions is empty, which means that no filtering is active. You can add more than one filtering condition for a profile field: Click [Add Condition] to add an additional filtering condition. Click the "remove" icon on the left to remove a condition from the list.

If more than one condition is defined on the field, please decide how to combine the conditions. Using the choice all means that only those recipients are shown who indeed match each and every of the conditions in the list. (If you defined the conditions to be mutually exclusive, then this of course means that no recipients are shown if you choose "match all conditions".) Contrary to this, using the choice any means that a recipient is shown if one of the conditions matches.

Click the [OK] button to apply the filter. LISTSERV Maestro refreshes the list of recipients. Each recipient in the list matches ALL active field-filtering conditions. You see a short description of the activated condition in the highlighted area directly below each of the column headers of the fields you defined conditions on. Hover over the highlighted area to show a longer text that describes each of the conditions in the list that is defined for the associated field.

The filtering options available for a condition in the list of conditions on a field depend on the field type. The following sections describe the available filtering options: Filtering on Subscriber Activity, Filtering on Standard Text Fields, Filtering on Email Addresses, Filtering on Number Fields, Filtering on Boolean Fields, Filtering on the "Tracking Permission" field, Filtering on Single-Value Selection Fields, Filtering on Multiple-Value Selection Fields, Filtering on Date Fields, Filtering on Birthday Fields and Filtering on the Subscription Date.

Filtering on Subscriber Activity

To define a filter condition on subscriber activity, first define how you want to filter on the subscriber activity.

The following options are available:

Choosing an optional time constraint:

Filtering on Standard Text Fields

Filtering on Email Addresses

Filtering on Number Fields

Filtering on Boolean Fields

Filtering on the "Tracking Permission" field

Filtering on Single-Value Selection Fields

Filtering on Multiple-Value Selection Fields

Filtering on Date Fields

Filtering on Birthday Fields

For filtering on birthday fields, the the filtering options as described for Date Fields are avalable. Additionally, the following options are available:

Filtering on the Subscription Date

Filtering on the subscription date is very similar to filtering on other Date Fields. However, since subscription dates are by their nature always in the past, the "relative to" variants only support supplying limits in the past.

Filtering on Anniversaries vs. Filtering on Full Dates

LISTSERV Maestro allows you to view the date in the profile field value as a "historic day". For such days, questions like "When do we celebrate the next anniversary for this day?" or "When did we celebrate the last anniversary for this day" make sense. Typical for such anniversaries is that they occur once each year, repeatedly. Applied to profile fields with variable date values, this allows you to match recipients ignoring the "year" component of the date value. Contrary to this, when using any of the other options when filtering on date fields, the full date including the year component is taken into account.


You are running a used and vintage cars online store and are using LISTSERV Maestro to manage the subscriber data. Your subscriber list contains the following fields:

The following sections describe how LISTSERV Maestro allows you to accomplish the following tasks, starting with first showing the full, unfiltered list of recipients:

"Show me last week's new subscriptions"

You add a filter on the "Subscription Date" field. You add a condition and choose "is in the range of days", then you choose "supplied relative to this week". Then you supply "previous week" for "From: Start of..." and "previous week" for "To: End of...". After applying, you see the desired result.

"Show me all recipients whose car maintenance is due next month"

You are planning to send out a reminder-type newsletter to those recipients whose cars should be brought in for maintenance, reminding them roughly one month ahead. For this, you work with anniversary-type filtering on the BUILD_DATE field. Add a filter on this field, add a condition and choose "marks a birthday in the range of days" and then "supplied relative to this month". For "From:" and "To:", you choose "next month". The resulting list of recipients contains owners of cars of any age but only those whose month/day part falls into the month after "today".

"Show me all recipients who purchased a "Model X" with a build date between January 1st. and April 31st. 2000"

You have been notified by the manufacturer of "Model X" that all cars built in this range require a special, free-of-charge maintenance, to be performed in your garage. So you need a list of the matching recipients. Add a filter on the CAR_MODEL field, add a condition with "is" and select "Model X" from the drop-down menu. Apply the condition. This gives you a list of "Model X" owners. Now you add an additional condition on the BUILD_DATE field, choosing "is in the range of days" and "supplied explicitly". For "From" you supply January 1st., 2000 and for "To" you supply April 31st, 2000. Apply the condition.

"Show me all recipients who purchased a vintage car last month"

You plan to send a repeated monthly newsletter to vintage-car fans, but would like to restrict the list to recent buyers, outlining special tips and tricks that would not be interesting for recipients who already own the car for a longer time. A car is called "vintage" if it is older than 20 years, so you begin with adding a condition on the BUILD_DATE field: Add a condition using "defines an age greater than or equal to" and supply 20 for "From: ... years". Apply the condition to see the list of all vintage-car owners. Now you need to restrict this to the purchases of last month: Add a condition on the PURCHASE_DATE field, select "is in the range of days". Choose "relative to this month" and select "previous month" for "From: Start of ..." and "To: End of ...". Apply the condition.

Creating a Mail Job from Your Subscriber List

Regardless of whether you have defined a filter on the list or not, the "Edit" menu contains items that allow you to create a mail job (or A/B split job) from the list that you are currently viewing. The resulting mail job is created with a ready-made (i.e. "green") recipients definition. In the recipients definition, your filter settings (if defined) are already applied. Important: As is normal for the recipients type "Send to a List or Dataset in the Subscriber Warehouse", the list of recipients for the resulting mail job is determined just-in-time before delivery, which means that the recipients you have viewed before creating the mail job can (and in many cases will) be different from the recipients actually included in the mail job.

If you instead want the mail job to actually include the recipients that you are seeing now in the list, you have to first download the data (see above on how to do this) and manually create a mail job with recipients of the type "Uploaded Recipients". However, we strongly recommend against this because subscribers may have unsubscribed or may have changed their subscription profile in such a way that they no longer want to be (and should not be) included in future mail jobs.

Editing the Subscriber Subset of a Mail Job or A/B Split Job

If you are working on a mail job with recipients of the type "Send to a Subscriber List or Dataset" (regardless of whether the job was created from scratch or via the method above starting with a filtered subscriber list), then the "Source Details" page of the recipients wizard has a link Subset Details. Clicking this link opens a special variant of the subscriber list that is used to edit the filter settings of the recipients definition. Contrary to the standard variant, the screen shows additional buttons at the bottom right: [Use as Recipients: All Active Subscribers / Filtered Subscriber Subset] (depending on if you have a filter active or not) and [Cancel]. Define and/or change your filter settings just as described above and click the [Use as Recipients] button to apply your changes to the mail job recipients definition, the change is reflected in the recipients wizard.

Editing the Subscriber Subset of a Target Group

If you are working on a target group of the type "Based On Subscriber Dataset" or "Based On Subscriber List", then the "Source Details" page of the target group wizard has a link similar to the one described above, clicking this link also opens a special variant of the subscriber list that is used to define the filtering condition of your target group.

Filtering Conditions and Target Group Parameters

Adding an entry to the filtering conditions of a target group (via the subscriber list page) usually also means that a potential parameter is available for the target group. There are only few exceptions to this, for example the filtering options "is supplied" and "is not supplied" are treated as "constant" and do not constitute a potential parameter. To help you understand which of the condition elements are potential parameters, the filtering condition popup dialog highlights the corresponding parts of the condition already when you define them.

After applying the filtering condition via the button on the bottom-right of the screen, the target group definition is updated according to your changes and the "Parameters", the "Input Layout" and the "Input Preview" pages of the target group wizard allow you to change the various settings of a potential parameter (such as for example to declare that the corresponding condition element is fixed, which effectively removes the parameter from the target group, or to define a description or to re-arrange the parameter presentation sequence).

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